A group of prominent religious Zionist rabbis has issued a letter urging the Israeli government to take every possible action to secure the release of hostages, including what they termed a “responsible deal.”

The letter, signed by several rabbis who are often associated with more conservative views, included the names of Rabbi Yaakov Ariel, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Rabbi Elyakim Levanon, Rabbi Yigal Levinstein, Rabbi Yehoshua Shapira, Rabbi Dovid Dudkevetch, Rabbi Chananel Etrog, Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Rimon, Rabbi Dovid Fendel, Rabbi Ariel Bareli, and Rabbi Ehud Krakower.

In their statement, the rabbis wrote, “We, rabbis from the city and settlements, whose students and families have been on the various fronts since the war began, as all of our brothers in Israel, hear the voice of our brothers and sisters who call out to us from the Hamas tunnels in torment, hunger, and disgrace in the valley of death. Saving the hostages is a great mitzvah, a Jewish, moral, and national obligation of the first degree – for them, their families, and the entire people of Israel.”

They further emphasized the importance of supporting the government’s efforts, stating: “We send support to the Israeli government to intensify its work with determination, strength, and courage without refusal to bring back all of the hostages, by any means necessary, and as much as possible with a responsible agreement – which according to the diplomatic and defense leadership will not harm or threaten state security, and in a manner that will not allow the threat of Hamas terror from Gaza to return.”

Concluding the letter, the rabbis called for swift and decisive action against Hamas. “We call on the Israeli government to utilize all tools and means against Hamas to save the lives of our brothers and sisters in captivity. We need a quick decision. With the onset of the new year and amid the fateful campaign for our holy land and state, we will stand before the G-d of Israel’s wars and beg for salvation and mercy, courage and bravery, redemption and victory,” they stated.

{Matzav.com Israel}