With Sukkos right around the corner, and Sukkah building season in full swing, along with them comes the annual challenge of ensuring that no tree branches extend over the walls, compromising and even potentially pasuling the Sukkah below.

Just in time, there is a way to definitively know that the air above is clear, and one can sit in their Sukkah with complete confidence that he is being makayim the mitzva in the best way possible.

Rabbi Shlomo Francis, Rabbinic Director of the Eruv Network and author of the acclaimed groundbreaking sefer The Laws of an Eruv, has taken his expertise from decades of checking Eruv poles and strings around the country to now educate the public on how to properly ensure that no branches are overhead.

In a short yet comprehensive video, Rabbi Francis shows various methods that can be used for almost any Sukkah and under any circumstance. Using both low and high-tech methods honed over the years of Eruv checking, the public is given the knowledge and practical techniques that can be applied immediately.

Click here to watch the video and learn these valuable methods and enjoy a Chag Kasher V’Sameach.