From the ashes of October 7th, tens of thousands of non-affiliated Jews have been coming back in what some have termed a new Teshuva movement. And Shuvu is there for them. www.charidy.com/shuvu

With 67 schools around Eretz Yisroel, Shuvu has seen registrations rise dramatically from non-religious families that want their children to know how to say Krias Shema and to learn about the beauty of Torah, Shabbos and Yiddishkeit. A staggering 206 new children enrolled in preschool, 894 new children enrolled in elementary school, and 135 new students started high school!

Harav Pam zt’l, founder of Shuvu, stated, “where the children are is where the victory will be”. At Shuvu we understand that the future of Klal Yisroel truly starts in the classroom. With exposure to Torah and Mitzvos, the majority of Shuvu students become Shomer Torah U’mitzvos.

It starts in the classroom. It also starts with YOU! Please support Shuvu’s schools, Rebbeim and teachers – and help over 6,000 children in Shuvu come back to Hashem. Through this, we will be laying the groundwork for a Geulah Shleimah B’Karov! 

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