A poll released ahead of Tu B’Av reveals that half of Israeli Jews would opt out of Orthodox wedding ceremonies if given the choice. The survey, conducted by the Smith Research Institute for Hiddush, found that 22% of respondents prefer civil marriage, while 13% favor Conservative or Reform ceremonies. The poll highlights a significant divide between Charedi and Modern Orthodox respondents, who largely support Orthodox ceremonies, and secular respondents, who overwhelmingly favor alternative options. Women were also less likely to choose Orthodox ceremonies, with only 44% expressing support. Despite personal preferences, 67% of respondents support legalizing more types of marriage, including civil, Conservative, and Reform weddings. This includes 92% of secular respondents and 31% of religious respondents. The survey’s findings come as Israeli law only recognizes marriages performed through established religious institutions. Alternative options, such as civil ceremonies abroad or online marriages through Utah County, have gained popularity in recent years. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)