Yankie Meyer z”l, the founder of Misaskim, was larger than life. For two decades, he ran Misaskim and Yedid single-handedly. Since his passing, the Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers have been working together to perpetuate his legacy and continue being a rock of support for those who are facing tragedy and loss. Now, Misaskim is pleased to welcome a new CEO, Matis Soffer, who will bez”H help them fill and expand their vital role in the community. He is there to propel Yedid and Misaskim forward by leading the organization and facilitating strategic growth. Matis Soffer grew up in Long Beach and now resides in Flatbush. He served as the CEO of his late father’s company, Quality Frozen Foods, for many years. Four years ago, he sold the company, remaining in the capacity of president. Now, he is ready to fulfill his lifelong goal: to use his vast skills to serve the Klal. Matis brings extensive experience in the non-profit sphere, having fundraised for organizations such as the Israel Purim Fund, Mesivta of Long Beach, and Bonei Olam, amongst others. He serves on the board of his sons’ yeshiva, Mesivta Ohr Naftali in Windsor, NY. In his spare time, he uses his resources to help people find employment. Misaskim is privileged to have him join and take the organization to the next level, so they can bring comfort, support, and relief to more people, in more ways. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)