YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of R’ Mordche Shlome Shpirer Z”L, who was struck by a vehicle and critically injured on Monday night. He was 67 years old. As YWN reported Monday evening, the Niftar was hit by a drunk driver on 15th Avenue and 54th Street. He was rushed to the hospital by Hatzolah paramedics for treatment, but despite doctors’ valiant efforts, he was tragically niftar on Friday morning. The driver of the vehicle was caught by Boro Park Shomrim instantly blocks away and taken into custody by the NYPD. The levaya will take place today at 4PM at Yerayim Chapel in Williamsburg. The Kevura will be at the Bais Hachaim in Floral Park. Besuros Tovos. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)