To join the trip or for more information, message 732.338.8995 or email

CLICK HERE for the registration form.

CLICK HERE for the trip brochure.


In an age where digital connectivity often overshadows our physical and spiritual connections, heritage trips have emerged as a powerful means to reconnect with our roots. These journeys, especially to places like Poland, offer more than just historical insights; they provide an avenue for deep spiritual and emotional growth.

As a veteran educator and historian, I have had the privilege of leading numerous groups on heritage trips to Eastern Europe. The transformative power of these experiences is evident in the profound impact they have on participants. Each journey serves as a poignant reminder of our past, a source of chizuk, and a guide for our future.

Why Heritage Trips Matter

Visiting the sites where our ancestors lived, thrived, and suffered offers a tangible connection to history that cannot be replicated through books or documentaries. Walking through the streets of Warsaw, standing at the kever of R’ Elimelech of Lizhensk, or reflecting at the gates of Auschwitz-Birkenau, participants are confronted with the stark realities of our past. These places are not just historical landmarks; they are hallowed grounds where the faith and resilience of our people were tested and reaffirmed.

Heritage trips provide an opportunity to engage with our history on a deeply personal level. They allow us to honor the memory of those who came before us and to draw strength from their experiences. By standing where they stood and walking where they walked, we can better appreciate the sacrifices made and the lessons learned.

More Than Just History

While the historical aspect of these trips is undeniably important, the spiritual and emotional growth that participants experience is equally significant. Heritage trips are a form of pilgrimage, a journey to places that shaped the course of our religious and cultural identity. They offer a chance to explore the shitos and derechim of our gedolim and to rediscover the practices of our tzidkaniyos.

One of the most powerful aspects of these journeys is the opportunity for introspection and personal growth. Away from the distractions of daily life, participants can reflect on their own spiritual journey, gain new perspectives, and find inspiration in the stories of resilience and faith that are part of our collective history.

The Role of Guided Reflection

Guided reflections and discussions are a crucial component of heritage trips. They provide a structured way for participants to process their experiences and to draw practical lessons from the past. These sessions often reveal the enduring relevance of our heritage, offering insights into how the values and practices of our ancestors can be applied to our lives today.

For many, these trips are a catalyst for change. They inspire a renewed commitment to Torah and mitzvos, a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices of our ancestors, and a stronger connection to our heritage. Participants often return home with a sense of purpose and direction, equipped with the tools and inspiration to live more meaningful, committed lives.

A Journey of the Soul

Heritage trips are not just about looking back; they are about moving forward. By reconnecting with our past, we can gain the clarity and strength needed to navigate the challenges of the present and future. These journeys are a testament to the enduring power of our heritage, a reminder that even in the darkest times, our faith and resilience can guide us forward.

In a world that often feels disconnected, heritage trips offer a profound way to reconnect—with our history, with our faith, and with each other. They are a journey of the soul, a path to deeper understanding and greater inspiration.

Rabbi Yehudah Bulman will be leading a chizzuk trip for women to Poland this summer, continuing his mission to inspire and uplift through these meaningful journeys.

To join the trip or for more information, message 732.338.8995 or email

CLICK HERE for the registration form.

CLICK HERE for the trip brochure.