A Chareidi teen was violently attacked on Tuesday by an Arab when he tried to stop him from harassing a Chareidi boy. The teen was traveling on the light rail in Jerusalem when an Arab got on the bus, sat next to a Chareidi boy and placed his hand on him. The Chareidi teen asked the Arab to take his hand off the boy, explaining that he was making the boy uncomfortable. The Arab refused and tried to silence the teen. The teen tried to help the boy and tried to remove the Arab’s hand. The Arab became enraged and began to beat him, only stopping when the light rail security guards physically stopped him. The Chareidi teen had to seek medical treatment for his injuries. He also submitted a complaint about the attack. Attorney Ofir Steiner of the Honenu legal aid organization who is representing the teen stated: “This is a serious case of a violent attack for racial motives. The perpetrator must be arrested immediately and brought to justice.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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