By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Hashem, in His Infinite Kindness has given us a gift in the Aseres Yemei Teshuva – the Ten Days of Repentance. How so? Not everyone, unfortunately, merited to receive a judgment on Rosh HaShana. Some people, have their spiritual report card pushed off. The phrase “Bein Keseh L’Asor” is used to refer to the days between Rosh haShana, when the moon is covered, to the tenth of the month — Yom Kippur. TWO GROUPS THAT CAN CHANGE THEIR FATE The Talmud Yerushalmi explains that the bainonim — the average people, are judged during these ten days of Bein Keseh L’Asor. If the average person successfully repents — then they are inscribed with the Tzaddikim in the book of Life. Indeed, even the Rashaim, although they are written down negatively, it is not sealed until Yom Kippur and that fate can be changed. The gift is that everyone receives a second chance. These ten days give all people the opportunity to make amends and correct their sins. Hashem comes closer to us and makes it easier to make those changes. The Talmud (Yevamos) understands the verse, “Dirshu hashem Behimatzo — seek Hashem where He may be found” (Yishayahu 55:6) as referring to the Ten Days of Repentance. SIGNIFICANCE ELSEWHERE TOO We find that these Ten Days have significance in other places too. Chazal also tell us that Hashem did not immediately punish Nahval, the first husband of Avigayil, for the sins he committed against Dovid HaMelech, and for his tremendous inhospitality. Nahval deserved immediate punishment for this mistreatment. But Hashem did not inflict it then. Rather, Hashem gave Nahval the opportunity to do Teshuvah during the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah. We see here the enormous power that these ten days possess. In fact, the Midrash called “Yalkut Shimoni” tells us that the Anshei Knesses HaGedolah incorporated the ten verses of malchios, zichronos, and shofros in the Mussaf of Rosh haShana to correspond to the ten days of Teshuvah — this is how important these days are. MORE AND MORE URGENT The Shla explains that each day of the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah is progressively more and more urgent. Action should be taken in both areas of Mitzvos Bain Adam L’Makom andBain Adam l’Chaveiro and all three tools should be utilized, Teshuvah, Tzedakah, and Tefillah. There are seven days that are in between the two days of Rosh haShana and the one day of Yom Kippur. The Seforim HaKedoshim explain that during each of these seven days, Sunday through Shabbos, it is possible to do Teshuvah for every Sunday that we sinned throughout the year 0n that corresponding day of the 7 days. So on Tuesday of the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, we can atone for every Tuesday in that year. OUR ROLE The nation of Israel was given a special role in Hashem’s Master Plan for the world. Up until now, we have only partially fulfilled this Plan —of being a nation of priests, bringing knowledge of Hashem to the world. Indeed, the davening on Rosh HaShana emphasized the hope and dream when all the nations would form one Agudah to do His Will. The Torah commands us to make sure that we not forget this special role, and even provided us with special Mitzvos to make sure […]
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