UTJ Deputy Minister Meir Porush and his staff had to be rescued from a violent Arab mob in Lod on Wednesday night, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. . Deputy Minister Meir Porush, who landed at Ben Gurion Airport on Wednesday after a brief visit to the United States, immediately traveled to the nearby city of Lod to inspect the damage Arab rioters wreaked on shuls and religious institutions in recent days. While Porush was traveling through central Lod in the direction of one of the mixed neighborhoods, his car was surrounded by a mob of Arabs who attacked his car with rocks and sticks while stopped at an intersection. Fortunately, a Border Police force deployed in the city quickly arrived at the scene and dispersed the Arabs, rescuing Porush and his staff from the bloodthirsty mob. Porush continued his tour of Lod escorted by local members of the Dati Leumi community. “I landed in Lod about an hour ago after traveling from the United States,” Deputy Minister Porush said after his visit. “I arrived here and I was devastated at the sight of the havoc wreaked by the pogrom. I have no doubt that they did this only to harm the symbols of the Jewish nation. It’s heartbreaking to see such sights.” Below is a photo of Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau, who traveled this week to Lod for an atzeres chizuk for the Jewish residents of the city. According to reporter Yisrael Cohen, HaRav Lau was asked by the Rabbanut’s security staff to travel to the city in a bulletproof car. “It’s unfathomable that in the state of Israel it’s necessary to travel in a bulletproof car to a city in the center of the country,” he wrote. הזוי! הרב הראשי לישראל הגר"ד לאו שנוסע כעת לעצרת חיזוק לתושבי לוד התבקש על ידי צוות הביטחון של הרבנות הראשית לנסוע ברכב מוגן, לא יאומן שבמדינת ישראל לעיר במרכז הארץ צריך לנסוע ברכב ממוגן ירי pic.twitter.com/OsM6v59XNv — ישראל כהן (@Israelcohen911) May 13, 2021 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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