בס”ד יום א’ סליחות תש”פ Dear Friends ! While the world was grieving the terrible Panademic, there has also been an awful financial impact for our Mekubolim at our Holy Yeshiva. The inability to raise money around the world and listening to our Supporters all over the world trying to make a living, has left us unable to provide our Rabbonim the minimum wage to provide for their families, with some sinking into destitution. CLICK HERE NOW TO SEE THE FULL CAMPAIGN Many families in our Yeshivas Hamekubolim are simply drowning in despair as their entire sources of livelihood have dried up. The Rabbonim, who have always been the proud heads of the household and always learned hard in our Yeshiva to provide for their families, are now buckling under the burden of having no income for months. Many have rapidly fallen deep into debt and now have no way to pay for even the very basic necessities. I am ashamed how can I overlook Yom Hadin and not pay them their poor Wages?? Please Please help me help these tzadikim Kedoshim to bring the yomtov in to their homes with happiness and joy. Please open your hearts to their and my cries and donate generously to our Yeshiva’s Campaign Please help save these תלמידי חכמים Mekubolim of Jerusalem to be able to keep their families afloat in these hard times. CLICK HERE NOW TO SEE THE FULL CAMPAIGN ויה”ר שתהא שנה זו הבאה עלינו ועל כל עמך ישראל בכל מקום שהם, שנה טובה ומתוקה, שנת גאולה וישועה, אורך ימים בימינה ושמאלה עושר וכבוד, בברכת כתיבה וחתימה טובה גמליאל רבינוביץ ראש הישיבה CLICK HERE NOW TO SEE THE FULL CAMPAIGN

The post Rav Gamliel’s Clear Message appeared first on The Yeshiva World.