Former President Donald Trump made waves during his nearly three-hour appearance on “The Joe Rogan Experience,” recorded in Austin, Texas. Tapping into Rogan’s substantial following of over 14 million on Spotify and nearly 18 million on YouTube, Trump aimed to connect with younger voters, particularly young men. Here are the key takeaways from the podcast:

Regrets from His Presidency

Trump reflected on his first term, identifying personnel decisions as his “biggest mistake.” He expressed regret over some appointments, admitting, “I picked some great people, but I picked a few people that I shouldn’t have picked.” Rogan pointedly noted the presence of “neocons” among those choices.

Explaining Bad Publicity

Discussing his controversial former National Security Adviser John Bolton, Trump recounted being warned about Bolton’s character but proceeded with the appointment. Trump remarked on how his brash statements garnered him attention, saying, “Maybe you can tell me why I got so much publicity.” Rogan responded, attributing it to Trump’s “wild” comments, which contrasted sharply with typical political rhetoric.

Political Landscape Shifts

Rogan and Trump explored the evolving political landscape, with Rogan declaring, “The rebels are Republicans now.” He highlighted the ironic twist of conservatives now embracing anti-establishment sentiments while liberals have shifted towards supporting censorship.

North Korea Diplomacy

Trump recalled his unique approach to North Korea, sharing anecdotes from his meetings with Kim Jong Un. He humorously suggested to the dictator to “just relax” and “go to the beach” instead of pursuing nuclear ambitions, reflecting his unconventional style in foreign diplomacy.

Health Initiative with RFK Jr.

The conversation turned to health policy as Trump mentioned his initiative with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to “Make America Healthy Again.” He expressed caution regarding Kennedy’s environmental stances but praised his sincerity and intelligence.

Afghanistan Withdrawal Critique

Trump did not hold back his criticism of the Biden administration’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. He lambasted the decision-making process and specifically called out General Mark Milley, stating, “I realized that Milley was a dummy.” Trump argued for a more strategic extraction of U.S. forces and assets from Afghanistan.

Economic Strategies

On the economic front, Trump proposed replacing federal income tax with tariffs, citing historical precedents. He stressed the importance of tariffs in protecting American jobs, stating, “This country can become rich with the proper use of tariffs.”

UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life

In a more speculative segment, Trump discussed the possibility of life on Mars and shared his interest in UFO sightings reported by pilots, suggesting that there may be life beyond Earth.

Responding to Criticism

When asked about Vice President Kamala Harris comparing him to Hitler, Trump dismissed her remarks, labeling her a “very low IQ person.”
