Lancaster County authorities revealed on Friday that they are conducting an inquiry after election staff discovered roughly 2,500 voter registration applications believed to be falsified.

According to officials who spoke at a Friday press briefing, two separate collections of applications were dropped off at the county’s election office just in time for the October 21 registration cutoff in Pennsylvania.

District Attorney Heather Adams shared that investigators have identified issues in 60% of the reviewed registration applications so far. The problems include incorrect addresses, fabricated ID details, fictitious names, and mismatches with Social Security records.

“Staff noticed that numerous applications appeared to have the same handwriting [and] were filled out on the same day,” Adams noted.

She continued, “It appears to be an organized effort,” suggesting that the fraudulent applications may stem from one or two organizations that employed paid canvassers for recent registration drives in the county. These groups are reportedly also active in two other counties.

“It doesn’t seem that it’s any one party. In some cases, they’re registering in different parties,” commented Lancaster County Commissioner Ray D’Agostino, stressing that the primary worry is the heightened potential for voter fraud.

“Concerns were raised during the staff’s normal process to review and enter applications into the Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors System and law enforcement was alerted,” reported county election officials.
