Rav Shlomo Halioua, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin in Brooklyn, New York, was hospitalized shortly before Yom Tov due to an infection. Unfortunately, his condition worsened during the Yom Tov, prompting a transfer to the Intensive Care Unit .

Throughout Yom Tov, the yeshiva recited Tehillim and special tefillos for the Rosh Yeshiva’s recovery.

Rav Halioua is a son-in-law of the previous rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, Rav Aharon Schechter zt”l.

All are asked to daven for Rav Shlomo Chai Dovid Yitzchok ben Mesuda.

Updates on his condition will be shared as they become available.

Please also be mispallel for the rosh yeshiva‘s mother, who is in need of rachamei Shomayim. Her name is Mesudah bas Jamila.
