It is with great sadness that reports the petirah of Rabbi Reuven Levinson zt”l, beloved longtime rebbi at Arie Crown Hebrew Day School in Chicago.

Rabbi Levinson devoted his life to chinuch, nurturing generations of talmidim with wisdom, warmth, and love for Torah. His dedication to his students extended beyond the classroom, as he was known for providing them with guidance and inspiration that stayed with them throughout their lives.

Rabbi Levinson is survived by his wife, Mrs. Miriam (née Matthew) Levinson, and his children, Malkie (Yechezkel) Steinfeld, Freyda Leah (Rabbi Yehoshua) Falik, Rabbi Moshe (Tila) Levinson, and Rabbi Yoni (Lieba) Levinson. His children and grandchildren carry forward his legacy of Torah and yiras Shamayim.

The levayah will take place Monday at 9:30 AM at Congregation Adas Yeshurun, located at 3050 West Touhy Avenue in Chicago.

Yehi zichro boruch.
