On Motzei Shabbos, Adir Naaman the head of the Shafir Regional Council, announced that Captain Eliav Abitbul fell in battle in Lebanon.

Naaman wrote: “After a difficult and shocking holiday, in which we lost 13 of our best sons, this evening we received, with great sorrow, news of another painful loss to the Council: Captain Eliav Abitbul, may G-d avenge his blood, from Harhavat Eitan, fell in battle in Lebanon, as he fulfilled with courage the task of defending his homeland.”

“There are no words to describe the great sorrow and pain that we all feel at this time. Our hearts go out to his dear wife, Tal, and the four children, who now are carrying the burden of unfathomable bereavement and loss.

“In the name of all residents of the Shafir Regional Council, we embrace you and send you and the entire Abitbul family condolences from the depths of our hearts. May you never know any more pain, and may Heaven comfort you,” Naaman concluded.