Thousands of Chassidim came together at the main Vizhnitzer Beis Midrash in Bnei Brak to participate in Yom Kippur tefillos with by the Vizhnitzer Rebbe, Rav Yisroel Hager. The gathering drew particular attention this year due to recent news regarding the Rebbe’s health.

As Yom Kippur began, the Rebbe directly addressed the concerns about his well-being. “I don’t like it when people get into a panic and anxiety, on any issue – and not on this issue,” he told his Chassidim.

He reassured his Chassidim, saying, “If you have to undergo a medical procedure, be calm and trust Hashem.”

The Rebbe continued with words of guidance, encouraging, “Of course you can and should daven, but chalilah do not become fearful and anxious, nor suffer from melancholy, but be joyful and trust in the Ribono Shel Olam.”

In a call to his Chassidim worldwide, the Rebbe urged them to refrain from speaking during davening.

Just about a week ago, a message was shared with the kehillah from the Rebbe’s administrator, informing them that after undergoing a series of medical tests, there was a need for “certain treatment.”

The notice clarified that the Rebbe’s daily routine would remain unchanged and encouraged the public to keep davening for his continued health.

{ Israel}