The Israel Land Authority revealed just before Yom Kippur that it will convert the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) complex in Yerushalayim into a residential development.

According to details posted on the ILA’s official website, the project is already in its initial planning phase.

The site, which is situated in Ma’alot Dafna in Yerushalayim, will be redeveloped into a housing project comprising 1,440 residential units.

Earlier this year, in May, Ynet reported that the ILA had informed UNRWA that it was required to vacate the premises it had been occupying and to settle a debt of tens of millions of shekels in overdue rent that had accumulated over the years it had used the property.

The IDF uncovered evidence linking UNRWA employees to the horrific events of the October 7 massacre. They also discovered several instances where Hamas terror networks were found embedded within UNRWA facilities in Gaza.

Maj. Shay Rosengarten, the chairman of Im Tirtzu, which leads efforts to have UNRWA removed from Israel, responded by saying, “Congratulations to ILA for the quick action. The UNRWA employees who were involved in the October 7th massacre must be punished most severely, and the rest deported.”

“A commemorative museum for the terrible Simchas Torah massacre should be established in the new complex. We thank our thousands of activists who demanded the removal of UNRWA from Yerushalayim!” Rosengarten added.

{ Israel}