Magen David Adom (MDA) medical teams were called to treat 2,842 people throughout Israel during Yom Kippur, with 1,969 of them being transported to hospitals for further care. Among these, 286 individuals suffered from fainting, dehydration, and general malaise as a result of fasting.

During the holy day, three people sustained minor injuries from the impact of a rocket in the Western Galilee, while 12 others were lightly hurt as they rushed to shelters amidst rocket alerts heard across the country.

A total of 261 people required medical attention due to injuries sustained while riding bicycles, rollerblades, scooters, or skateboards. Of those, six were moderately injured, and 255 were lightly injured.

Additionally, 40 people were hurt in various violence-related incidents. One particularly tragic case involved a 41-year-old man who was brought to MDA paramedics on Anata Road in Jerusalem. He was transported to the hospital in critical condition, where he was later pronounced dead. The violence-related injuries included one severe case, four moderate, and 34 mild injuries.

Furthermore, 42 individuals were injured in traffic accidents, with 11 in moderate condition and 31 sustaining mild injuries. MDA teams also assisted 146 women in labor, ensuring they were safely transported to hospitals. One woman from Modi’in Illit received assistance from MDA paramedics inside an ambulance en route to the hospital.

During Yom Kippur, MDA’s blood services supplied hospitals nationwide with 114 units of blood and blood components.

{ Israel}