If you listen to some western media outlets, Bibi Netanyahu might be escalating the situation in Lebanon in order to please ‘right wing’ members of his coalition. However, Israeli opposition leaders are voicing their demands that the government order a ground invasion of Lebanon to fight Hezbollah, following the elimination of Hezbollah terror leader Hassan Nasrallah.

While visiting the northern Israeli town of Kfar Giladi, Yair Golan, who chairs the Democrats party, pointed out a Lebanese village, and said the IDF needed to conquer it, so “there will not be a direct line of fire.”

Later, speaking to army radio, Golan explained that northern residents will “not be able to return to their homes if the terrorists are so close.”

Golan emphasized: “A ground invasion of Lebanon is necessary in order to ensure that there is no Hezbollah presence south of the Litani River.” The Democrats party was recently formed with a merger between Labor and Meretz.

Meanwhile, Benny Gantz, chairman of the National Unity Party, said that unless a “strong and trustworthy” diplomatic agreement is reached soon, the IDF needs to “create facts on the ground” in Lebanon.
