The IDF announced on Sunday that they are unable to either confirm or deny reports regarding the potential death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.

Sources consulted by The Jerusalem Post offered mixed responses. One senior source dismissed the possibility, another individual, who would typically have inside knowledge, admitted they lacked concrete information, while additional sources mentioned differences of opinion within the defense sector. None of the sources pointed to any specific IDF assassination operation targeting Sinwar.

Instead, the uncertainty could relate to the fact that Sinwar has not been in contact with intermediaries responsible for handling hostage negotiations and communications, who themselves have been unusually out of reach.

Another possibility is that some Israeli authorities might be employing psychological tactics, attempting to pressure mid-level Hamas leaders into negotiating their own terms for immunity in exchange for returning Israeli captives.

These reports emerged late Sunday night. Back in December, there were similar claims that Sinwar had been killed, injured, fled to Sinai, or was no longer in control of his network.

Ultimately, it was revealed that Sinwar had been simply laying low, a part of his evasion strategy, or that the rumors were part of psychological operations aimed at undermining Hamas as IDF forces advanced on Khan Yunis.

{ Israel}