Frum News From The Greater Lakewood Area

Month August 2024

Breathtaking Drone Video of the Kosel and Makom Hamikdash

Provided by Kosherline Distribution.


Over the last 15 years, a new approach and method of limud Hashas has been nurtured and developed in Eretz Yisroel at Reshet Kollelei Shas Yiden. This phenomenon has captured the imagination and electrified lomdei Hatorah throughout the world, and… Continue Reading →

Full Tisha B’Av Video (Free): ‘Back to Poland’ with Shloime Zionce

As we mourn Tisha B’Av, many films have been produced to make this tragic day more meaningful for Klal Yisroel. This year, Shloime Zionce teamed up with LaLechet Tours and Cinematographer Shmuli Lichtman to create “Back To Poland”, a film… Continue Reading →

Yad Lachim Rescues a Jew From Gaza

Hosted by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer: 3 Incredible stories of rescue, survival and perseverance. Including  – The boy who was rescued from Gaza by Yad L’Achim  – United Hatzalah members recount their stories of October 7th A Tisha B’Av film like… Continue Reading →

Petirah of Mr. Gary Blum Z”L of Lakewood

We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mr. Gary Blum Z”L, who was Niftar early this morning following an illness. He was 59. Gary and his wife Dalia of Dalgar caterers are renowned Baalei Chasadim, and among their… Continue Reading →

Live Now! Bonei Olam From the Ashes:An Emotional and Impactful Tisha Baav Film

The saga of Alta Fixsler captured the attention of Yidden around the world. Parents moving on after the tragic loss of a child.  Heroes Building Worlds from Tears. Today, we are a growing nation, full of torah, avodas hashem and… Continue Reading →

Hostage’s Father To Military Prosecutor: “You Finished Worrying About Jews So Now You Can Worry About Terrorists?”

Tzvika Mor, whose son Eitan is being held hostage in Gaza, came to the Knesset on Sunday to try and meet Military Advocate General Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi and convey a message to her regarding her conduct in the investigation against IDF… Continue Reading →

Labor Head: “Why Doesn’t The State Encourage Chareidim To Go Off The Derech?”

Yair Golan who is the head of the left-wing Democrats party [a merger of the Labor and Meretz parties] decried the fact that the State of Israel never instituted programs to encourage Chareidim to go off the derech. In an… Continue Reading →

IDF Discovers Document Revealing Hamas’ Paraglider Plot In Oct. 7 Massacre

A Hamas military document obtained by the IDF during operations in the Gaza Strip, reveals the methodical planning behind Hamas’ use of paragliders on Oct. 7 and the extent of the terror group’s preparations and the deception employed to hide… Continue Reading →

Media Banned From Court After Photos Of Arrested IDF Soldiers Published On Arab Social Media

Videos that show the identities of five IDF soldiers who were arrested for the alleged abuse of a terrorist at Sde Teiman were circulated on Arab social media networks on Sunday. The videos were published in violation of a gag… Continue Reading →

Tefillah to be Said Tonight, Tisha B’Av, Per Rav Yitzchok Meir Morgenstern Shlita (Downloadable)

Submitted: This is the original Bakashas HaGeulah which is brought in the Ma’avar Ya’abok by Rav Aharon Berachya of Modena, Italy in 1639. He calls this a Tikkun Kadmonim which was sent to him from Yerushalayim for him to publicize… Continue Reading →

Hamas Claims Its Terrorists Have Killed A Hostage, Injured 2 Others

The IDF announced that Hamas has claimed, via a Telegram message, that two separate incidents resulted in the death of one hostage and injuries to two female hostages at the hands of Hamas terrorists who were guarding them. The IDF… Continue Reading →

Hamas Claims Its Terrorists Have Killed A Hostage, Injured 2 Others

The IDF announced that Hamas has claimed, via a Telegram message, that two separate incidents resulted in the death of one hostage and injuries to two female hostages at the hands of Hamas terrorists who were guarding them. The IDF… Continue Reading →

New Footage From October 7th

Hosted by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer: 3 Incredible stories of rescue, survival and perseverance. Including  – The boy who was rescued from Gaza by Yad L’Achim  – United Hatzalah members recount their stories of October 7th A Tisha B’Av film like… Continue Reading →

The Only Thing That Can Save Us

As we sit down to mourn the destruction of the Bais HaMikdash and approach one of the saddest Tisha B’Avs in recent history, let us think for a moment about what it would mean for Klal Yisroel if the Kol… Continue Reading →

Watch Live: Tisha B’Av at The Kosel


IRANIAN REVENGE: IDF Orders Soldiers In Georgia & Azerbaijan To Return Immediately

As fears grow of Iranian retaliatory attacks against Israel and Israeli targets for the elimination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, the IDF issued a new order on Sunday evening categorically banning all off-duty IDF soldiers from staying in the countries… Continue Reading →

VIDEO: The Essence of the Tragedies of Tish’a be’Av Throughout Jewish History

A special Tish’a be’Av feature Shiur by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin about the tragedies of Tish’a be’Av from the time of Chet Ha’Meraglim throughout the Churban of the 2 Temples and the war of Beitar, until the gzeiros of Geirush Sfarad… Continue Reading →

WATCH: Joe Biden Admits It Was Congressional Democrats Who Forced Him Out Of Presidential Race

President Joe Biden revealed in a CBS News interview on Sunday that multiple factors influenced his decision to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race, with a key consideration being concerns from congressional Democrats that his continued campaign might jeopardize their… Continue Reading →

Tisha b’Av Message From Rabbi Moshe Hauer, EVP, OU

Dear Friends, Tisha b’Av is a time to grieve deeply over what we have lost in the past and continue to be missing in the present. On this day we mourn over the loss of the Batei Mikdash, the אתחלתא דפורענותא, as… Continue Reading →

Lakewood Police Weekly Blotter

TRESPASSING July 26, 2024, Officer Jacob Matthews responded to a report that Shatima Brown, 34, from Lakewood, N.J., had trespassed at 136 Martin Luther King Drive. She had previously been banned from the Lakewood Plaza housing complexes. Ms. Brown was… Continue Reading →

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