Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, the wealthiest politician in office in the United States, made headlines at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Tuesday after boasting about his billionaire status—just moments after Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) decried the influence of the “billionaire class” in America. Pritzker, whose estimated net worth stands at $3.5 billion, took a direct shot at former President Donald Trump during his speech. “Donald Trump thinks that we should trust him on the economy because he claims to be very rich,” Pritzker remarked, before quipping, “But take it from an actual billionaire, Trump is rich in only one thing: stupidity!” The audience responded with cheers and applause. The timing of Pritzker’s remarks, however, sparked some irony as it followed Sanders’ fiery critique of the wealthiest Americans. In his speech, Sanders called out the economic disparity in the U.S., stating, “Too many of our fellow Americans are struggling every day to just get by, to put food on the table, to pay the rents, and to get the healthcare they need.” He continued his attack on the wealthy, saying, “We need an economy that works for all of us, not just the billionaire class!” Sanders took aim at the concentration of wealth among the top 1%, criticizing their influence over economic policy. “When 60% of our people live paycheck to paycheck, the top 1% have never ever had it so good, and these oligarchs tell us we shouldn’t tax the rich?” Sanders argued. CNN senior political commentator Scott Jennings noted the awkward contrast between Sanders’ anti-billionaire rhetoric and Pritzker’s subsequent speech. “They had Sanders out here trying to defenestrate all the billionaires, and it’s, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, here comes three-and-a-half billion dollars, J.B. Pritzker!’” Jennings remarked. In a desperate attempt to make the messaging make sense, CNN senior political analyst Van Jones defended Pritzker, saying he represented a different type of billionaire—one who understands the role of government in creating a fairer society. “This is a party that has room for you,” Jones said. “If you want government to be strong and good, if you want business to be strong and good, if you want the community to be strong and good, if you want strong and good, you’re welcome here.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)