CBS political correspondent Caitlin Huey-Burns confronted former President Donald Trump on his refusal to accept the outcome of the 2020 election during an interview in Pennsylvania on Monday. As Trump pledged to accept the results of the upcoming 2024 election, he clarified that his acceptance would depend on whether he deems the election “fair and free.” In the interview, which took place while Democrats launched their convention in Chicago, Huey-Burns questioned Trump about his stance on election integrity, his attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris, and his willingness to release his medical records — which Trump said he would “gladly do.” When asked directly if he would accept the results of the 2024 election, Trump responded, “If I see that we had a fair and free election, which I hope to be able to say, but if I see that, I will. You will never see anybody more honorable than me. I’m an honorable person.” When Huey-Burns pointed out that Trump did not accept the results of the previous election, he replied, “That’s right, because there were many problems with the last election. You know it, so do they, and so does everybody else.” Huey-Burns pushed back, citing that many legal cases were dropped. Trump countered by blaming the courts, saying, “No, no, they weren’t brought because the judges wouldn’t take them because they said it was after the election. Well, how else are you going to find out until after the election?” Trump also expressed optimism that changes made in the last four years would ensure a fair election in 2024. “Certainly, if for some reason I lose, and I think if I lose, this country will go into a tailspin the likes of which it’s never seen before, the likes of 1929 — but if I do, and it’s free and fair, absolutely, I will accept the results,” Trump said. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)