Tzvika Mor, whose son Eitan is being held hostage in Gaza, came to the Knesset on Sunday to try and meet Military Advocate General Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi and convey a message to her regarding her conduct in the investigation against IDF soldiers for the alleged abuse of the Nukhba terrorist in Sde Teiman. Mor spoke to the press, saying: “I came to the Knesset for the arrival of the Military Advocate General for the hearing about the riots she is provoking in Israel following the incident about two weeks ago in the Supreme Court when I was given the right to speak, the judges left without apologizing and without hearing my words as a father of a hostage.” “Even today, although the Military Advocate General refuses to meet or see us, we’ll stand our ground. As the parents of hostages, we’ll ask a simple question. ‘Did you already finish worrying about your own people that you’re now worrying about heinous terrorists, that they have good food and a mattress with the right thickness?” “Have you investigated how my son is? Did you investigate if the Red Cross is paying him a visit? Did you investigate if there’s a video or information about my son? For 310 days, we haven’t received any information and we don’t know what his condition is and if he’s alive. And the Military Advocate General has time to deal with the rights of terrorists?” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)