As president, Donald Trump went well beyond his predecessors in fulfilling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s top wishes from the United States. Yet by the time Trump left the White House, relations between the two had broken down after Netanyahu rapidly congratulated Joe Biden on his 2020 presidential victory. On Friday, the two men met face-to-face for the first time in nearly four years in a test of whether the relationship can be mended. Both have an interest in getting past their differences. Trump greeted Netanyahu and his wife Sara with a warm welcome at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, saying “Now I’m honored. Come on in, come on in.” Upon meeting, Sara Netanyahu expressed her fondness for Trump, saying “We’ve missed you.” Trump then praised a previous dinner he shared with Netanyahu, saying “It was the greatest dinner I’ve ever had.” The two leaders posed for photos, with Trump locking hands with Netanyahu and saying “Let’s get a good, a beautiful picture.” Trump smiled and gave a thumbs up to the assembled photographers. In a poignant moment, Trump and Netanyahu held up a photo of one of the Bibas children, who was kidnapped by Hamas from Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7. At the request of their grandfather Eliyahu Bibas, Trump vowed to take action, saying “We’ll get that taken care of. For Trump, now the Republican presidential nominee, the meeting could cast him as an ally and statesman, as well as sharpen efforts by Republicans to portray themselves as the party most loyal to Israel. That’s as divisions among Americans over U.S. support for Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza open cracks in what has been decades of strong bipartisan backing for Israel, the biggest recipient of U.S. aid. For Netanyahu, who was in the United States to address Congress and meet with Biden, repairing relations with Trump is imperative given the prospect that he may once again become president of the United States, Israel’s main arms supplier and protector. For both men, Friday’s meeting at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, highlighted for their home audiences their depiction of themselves as strong leaders who have gotten big things done on the world stage, and can again. But Trump’s public statements urging a rapid end to the war in Gaza could add to tensions. One political gamble for Netanyahu is whether he could get more of the terms he wants in any deal on a Gaza cease-fire and hostage release, and in his much hoped-for closing of a normalization deal with Saudi Arabia, if he waits out the Biden administration in hopes that Trump wins. Trump broke off with Netanyahu in early 2021. That was after the Israeli prime minister became one of the first world leaders to congratulate Biden for his presidential election victory, disregarding Trump’s false claim he had won. “Bibi could have stayed quiet,” Trump said in an interview with an Israel newspaperback then. “He made a terrible mistake.” Netanyahu and Trump last met at a September 2020 White House signing ceremony for the signature diplomatic achievement of both men’s political careers. It was an accord brokered by the Trump administration in which the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain agreed to establish normal diplomatic relations with Israel. For Israel, it amounted to the two […]