Israeli politicians responded to the attempted assassination of US presidential candidate Donald Trump on Motzei Shabbos by saying that the unprecedented incitement against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu could easily lead to the same results, chalilah. Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli said on Reshet Bet: “An alarming incident that is the result of wild incitement. The exact same incitement is occurring in Israel, including from former IDF generals. Words have significance. We saw proof of this in the US and it would be very worthwhile if the law enforcement system in Israel will start to act.” Chikli later wrote on X: “The attempted assassination of Trump is the direct result of a disturbing incitement and delegitimization campaign against him. A horrifyingly identical incitement campaign is being carried out in Israel against Prime Minister Netanyahu and receives full immunity from the attorney-general and the law enforcement system only because it’s coming from the ‘right’ direction. Shameful.” The head of the Knesset’s Law Committe, MK Simcha Rothman, told Radio Kol Chai: “The view of [Attorney-General] Gali Maharav-Biara is that anything that harms the right, the prime minister, it definitely an option – it’s legitimate. She’s prepared to accept it but she’s not prepared to accept incitement against the left.” Settlement Minister Orit Strook told Kol B’Ramah: “The assassination attempt against the former president, and b’ezrat Hashem, the future president, is very concerning. There is zero enforcement against threats to the prime minister. If it was the othere way around, there would be arrests and headines. I requested a discussion in the Knesset with a detailed report.” Communication Minister Shlomo Karhi said: “The attempted assassination of Trump comes after nonstop incitement against him in the US. The situation in Israel is much much worse. The severe incitement against the prime minister, his wife and son is closer to realization than ever before – all under the protection of the attorney general and the state prosecutor who continue to coddle the inciters with complicit silence. You won’t be able to wash your hands clean!” Energy Minister Eli Cohen said: “The attempted assassination is a bright warning sign for those who incite againt Prime Minister Netanyahu and those who remain silent about it.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)