A resident of Modiin Illit died after entering a narrow sewage pit on Rechov Avnei Nezer in Modiiin Illit on Tuesday morning and another city resident was rescued from the pit and evacuated to the hospital in moderate condition. Two plumbers had entered a municipal sewage pit to clear a blockage. The first one slipped and fell into the pit and lost consciousness due to a high concentration of toxins. Passersby called for help and a large number of emergency rescue forces were called to the scene. Firefighters carried out a complex and risky rescue operation, first extricating an unconscious 26-year-old man. Paramedics administered emergency medical aid and evacuated him in a mobile intensive care unit to Assaf HaRofeh Hospital in Be’er Yaakov. A 73-year-old man with no signs of life was then extricated from the pit. His death was pronounced at the scene. He was later identified as Reb Yossi Oren, z’l, a beloved city resident who has worked in plumbing in Modiin Illit for decades and was known for his yashrus and trustworthiness. He was also known for his love of Torah v’lomdeha. He left behind a wife, 11 children, and many grandchildren. His levaya will be held at 3:30 p.m., leaving from his home on Rechov Sde Chemed in Modiin Illit, where the Rav of the city, HaGaon HaRav Meir Kessler, will be maspid him. The kevurah will take place at the beis kevaros in Elad. The public is asked to daven for Yehudah Aryeh ben Shulamis who was injured in the incident. The police have launched an investigation into the circumstances of the incident. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)