This past week, a group of religious officers and senior officers in the Ukrainian military visited the JCC Beit Menachem community center. During the visit, the officers met with Rabbi Yonatan Markovitch, the Chief Rabbi of Kyiv, engaged in conversation, and listened to a lecture on various topics related to Judaism and military life. The officers participating in the meeting, part of their professional training, came from various units of the Ukrainian military, with some holding senior officer ranks. In his lecture, Rabbi Markovitch focused on topics such as Jewish identity during wartime, Jewish values, the spiritual and social challenges faced by Jewish soldiers, and the Jewish perspective on issues relevant to military life and warfare. Additionally, Rabbi Markovitch discussed with the officers the treatment and support provided by the Ukrainian military to Jewish soldiers in all sectors. At the end of the visit, the officers presented Rabbi Markovitch with a certificate of appreciation for his significant contribution to Ukraine’s security forces in general and to Jewish soldiers serving in the military in particular. The certificate, issued by the higher education institution of the Ukrainian military, stated that the recognition was awarded to the Rabbi for his “spiritual support, which contributes to the high-quality execution of combat missions in the defense of Ukraine.” The visit was part of the ongoing relationship between the Jewish community in Kyiv and the Ukrainian military. Rabbi Markovitch is well-known for his extensive activities on behalf of Jewish soldiers and is highly respected by senior officials in the Ukrainian government and security agencies. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)