U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced on Thursday that federal officials are investigating the appalling antisemitic violence outside the Adas Torah shul in the Pico-Roberston neighborhood of Los Angeles. The rioters tried to block the entrance of the shul and then attacked a crowd of Jews who were standing across the street. Videos of the scene showed pro-Hamas rioters punching and beating up Jews, with one left completely bloodied, and some rioters holding clubs or using sign handles to attack Jews. A Jewish teenager’s nose was broken and he was evacuated to the hospital. Many Jews pointed fingers at politicians, especially LA Mayor Karen Bass, for the lack of police action. Political consultant Noah Pollak said: “The Los Angeles Police Department let the Hamas supporters take over the sidewalk in front of the shul and block its entrance. In fact, LAPD had formed a cordon around the front of the shul to keep Jews out and Hamas supporters in. Pollak said that the mayor and the LAPD are “an absolute disgrace—it’s clear the police have been instructed to help the Democratic Party street animals do their thuggery. They were definitely not there to protect the right of Jews to enter their shul.” Jews decried the leniency shown toward the pro-Hamas rioters. “The Los Angeles Police Department does not make arrests because District Attorney George Gascón is not interested in prosecuting them,” said Natalie Ben-Shimon. “Even if an arrest is made, the suspect is released without bail and will not stand trial; at most, they will receive a light reprimand. It feels like Jewish lives don’t matter.” “I realized during the protests at UCLA how lenient they are toward pro-Palestinian protesters,” Daniel Samuel said. “For months, Jewish students were subjected to verbal and physical harassment, but no one was arrested, and they allowed the protesters to set up tents, vandalize buildings, and abuse Jews.” “These protesters are a very violent mob with no respect for the police,” Liat Meroz told Ynet. They operate under the assumption that nothing will be done to them, and indeed, even if there are arrests, they are released immediately, without any demand for bail.” “One person just boom, straight to my nose, and I fell to the floor. I got hit many times on my head and my body,” Naftoli Sherman said. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)