Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked said on Sunday that she plans on proposing an amendment to the coronavirus law that will sanction quarantine violators with a one-year ban on travel outside Israel. A NIS 5,000 fine has already been approved for quarantine violators so Shaked’s sanction would be in addition to the fine. Most of the current coronavirus outbreaks in Israel have been tied to Israelis who returned from abroad and violated quarantine laws. “It’s a simple enforcement tool,” Shaked told Ynet. “It’s most relevant during summer vacation with families planning to travel, some with unvaccinated children who can spread the virus to their friends.” Shaked is also proposing a one-year travel ban for Israelis who travel to countries that have high coronavirus rates and have been placed on Israel no-fly list, including the countries of India, Russia, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa and Argentina. Over the weekend, 34 Israelis who returned from abroad tested positive for the coronavirus, including nine from Russia. The rest of the coronavirus carriers had returned from Turkey, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, the United States, and Cyprus. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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