The fear of catching the virus at the supermarket, on the bus, or in our religious, official, or business meetings is something that has become embedded in our collective consciousness, whether we realize it or not. With big pharma companies scrambling to develop a vaccine against the virus, our hope once again is reignited. But there’s a catch; according to data released using emergency protocol standards, the vaccine is at best 94.5% effective. This means that 5 out of 100 people who take the vaccine, assuming it’s even the same strain, may still catch the virus. For high risk individuals that’s not reassuring enough. Who knows who will be in that 5.5% bucket. But there’s good news. There is an easy-to-use oral/nasal hygiene spray that is 99.9% effective against Conronavirus. An alternative that is potentially safer, effective and far less painful than the COVID-19 vaccine shots. An Israeli biopharma company, known as BioSimplx, has tested a new preventative oral/nasal spray called AQUARA, at an FDA registered laboratory and it was found to stop coronavirus dead in its tracks. In less than 90 seconds it was able to deactivate the virus while remaining active on mucousal mebrames for as long as 90 minutes. IS AQUARA SPRAY GENERALLY SAFE? The ingredients contained in the now patent-pending AQUARA formula are also safe. The active ingredient has long been approved for over-the-counter sales by the FDA an appears in varying FDA Monographs. Additionally, all the non-active ingredients are on the FDA’s Safe list known as GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe). So what is this active ingredient? Iodine, but not standard iodine, rather, a proprietary patent-pending efficient and naturally derived compound. You may be familiar with iodine, as an antispectic used for years to treat infections, fungus and microbials. Though iodide is naturally present in our thyroid and salivary glands, it is Iodine, not iodide that has the antiinfective properties. IODINE’S BENEFICIAL PROPERTIES Scientific research has demonstrated that iodine is a natual biocide. Biocides are chemical compounds that destroy or rather render harmful microorganisms harmless. In this case, the target is the novel coronavirus. Although iodine is commonly used as a topical treatment, it can also be used safely in the oral and nasal pharynx. How Is Iodine So Effective? Iodine eliminates pathogenic organisms by interacting with their cell walls and penetrating them. After penetration, it inhibits or disrupts the normal protein synthesis and nucleic acid structure of the microorganisms. This cause their death, or deactivation as a result of osmotic lysis. In simpler words, iodine kills the coronavirus before it can infect you. Furthermore, the government body responsible for Canada’s federal health policy, Canadian Health, has confirmed this fact as it has now added iodine to the list of substances that can be used to deactivate COV2. This is just the tip of the iodine iceberg. This fact is further backed by research from many international health organizations such as JAMA, the U.S National Institutes of Health, and the European Review for Medical & Pharmacological Science. JUST THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF IODINE  Taking too much of anything always presents dangers. BioSimplx LLC, the company behind AQUARA, has made it simple with its precise spray dosing. Senior Researcher and Founder Mr. Avraham Perlmuter explained that many Iodine products have high total iodine counts which are […]

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