The fallout from Israel’s decision to implement a second lockdown became clearer Wednesday, as newly released figures from the National Employment Service revealed 110,000 registered for unemployment in the last six days. “The statement related to the six-day period between… Continue Reading →
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft said Wednesday on Al Arabiya that the news of the next country to sign a peace accord with Israel could become public… Read more » The post U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.:… Continue Reading →
AstraZeneca is still waiting for the go-ahead from the U.S. drug regulator to restart the clinical trial of its potential COVID-19 vaccine in the United States, Chief Executive Pascal Soriot… Read more » The post AstraZeneca Still Waiting for FDA… Continue Reading →
Ministers voted early Thursday morning to dramatically tighten Israel’s coronavirus lockdown amid fears that the infection rate is spiraling out of control. The new restrictions come just a week after… Read more » The post Cabinet Approves Near-Total National Shutdown;… Continue Reading →
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Translated by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for The following ruling was issued by the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rav Yitzchok Yosef, shlita in regard to Yom Kippur and davening and fasting (See: It is a guide for shuls and… Continue Reading →
[COMMUNICATED] In 2020, nisyonos related to kedushah have reached a level unprecedented in the history of Klal Yisrael! Change is hard, but possible. By Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski Change is hard, and for some people it’s especially hard. Countless Jews are… Continue Reading →
The Neve Yaakov community was struck by a tragic loss this Rosh Hashana, with the passing of 30-year-old father of 4 Moshe Bergman. Moshe was a grandson of Rav Shach, and was known for his dedication to Torah learning &… Continue Reading →
BALTIMORE (VINnews) — The Ner Yisroel Yeshiva campus in Baltimore has been placed on lockdown after several students tested positive for COVID-19. Nobody is being permitted to leave the campus, and any Kollel members who don’t live on campus are… Continue Reading →
Torah Academy for Girls in Far Rockaway was forced to close due to COVID-19 on Wednesday night. The school sent the parent body the following email: Dear TAG Parents, At 9:30 this evening, we received a phone call from the… Continue Reading →
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Wednesday declined to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the Nov. 3 presidential election. “We’re going to have to see what happens,” Trump said at a news conference, responding… Continue Reading →
Israel’s government officials are facing the grim situation of implementing further restrictions on Israeli citizens in the wake of soaring coronavirus cases and overloaded hospitals. The coronavirus ward in Maanyei Hayeshua is operating at over 100% capacity along with five… Continue Reading →
Translated by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for The following ruling was issued by the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rav Yitzchok Yosef, shlita in regard to Yom Kippur and davening and fasting (See: It is a guide for shuls and… Continue Reading →
On Wednesday, Hagaon HaRav Shalom Cohen, Rosh Yeshivah of Porat Yosef, and the head of the Moetzes Chachmei Hatorah of the Shas Party, issued a statement instructing the public to do whatever they can to daven outside on Yom Kippur…. Continue Reading →
TORONTO (AP) — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Wednesday that Canada is in a second wave of COVID-19 and warned the country is on the brink of a fall season that could be much worse than the spring. Trudeau noted… Continue Reading →
Political pressure grew Monday in Europe for governments to tackle the rising number of coronavirus cases without resorting to a spring-style lockdown that would hit the continent’s struggling economies. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez met Monday with the president of… Continue Reading →
Political pressure grew Monday in Europe for governments to tackle the rising number of coronavirus cases without resorting to a spring-style lockdown that would hit the continent’s struggling economies. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez met Monday with the president of… Continue Reading →
Political pressure grew Monday in Europe for governments to tackle the rising number of coronavirus cases without resorting to a spring-style lockdown that would hit the continent’s struggling economies. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez met Monday with the president of… Continue Reading →
Political pressure grew Monday in Europe for governments to tackle the rising number of coronavirus cases without resorting to a spring-style lockdown that would hit the continent’s struggling economies. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez met Monday with the president of… Continue Reading →
We all just stood on Yom Hadin before the Borei Olam asking for all the Tzaros of 5780 to come to an end. Tichleh shannah vekiloloseha….. But, while we make these personal requests, it is incumbent upon us to no… Continue Reading →
In light of the frightening rise in the coronavirus infection rate and the growing number of seriously ill patients, Israel’s Chevrei Kaddisha are preparing for a possible high number of niftarim, lo aleinu. The Chevra Kadisha in Haifa has acquired… Continue Reading →
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