More than 150 students from the Grodna Yeshiva in Beer Yaakov tested positive for the Coronavirus on Tuesday. This was out of only 400 students who attend the yeshiva. additionally, many of the students were symptomatic. The Yeshiva set up three buildings to be used as dormitories throughout the year for ill students. One building is for those who are not ill, another is for those with symptoms, and the third is for those without symptoms. The yeshiva used the capsule system in order to minimize the possible transfer of the virus throughout the students body. The yeshiva said that they are worried about the upcoming tefillos for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, during which hundreds of students will have to daven in alternate minyanim for those who are ill. The Yeshiva’s regular ba’al tokeah, Rabbi Plonchick also took ill with the virus and has therefore not been present in the yeshiva. The yeshiva is currently looking for a different ba’al tokeah. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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