In what has not previously been seen before in Israel, Chareidi women staged a protest on Wednesday afternoon. The Hafganah was held outside the home of Minister Aryeh Deri in Haf Nof, Jerusalem. The women are blaming Deri for the crisis that has been unfolding the past few days, where around 2,500 Breslover Chassidim are stuck between Belarus and Ukraine, trying to make it to Uman for Rosh Hashanah. As YWN has been reporting, there was a severe food shortage, and many children are among the group – some as young as three-years-old. They were sleeping on the cold concrete with no blankets, no food  or drink for a few days. As YWN reported earlier Wednesday, the Belarusian government set up huge tents and chemical toilets for the Breslover chassidim earlier today, and truck have been bringing food from Uman for the group. On Tuesday YWN reported that Minister Aryeh Deri sent a letter to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, requesting that he allow the chassidim, who have been waiting at the border for two weeks in difficult conditions, into Ukraine for humanitarian reasons. As of now, the Ukrainian Government is holding strong in their decision that no one will be allowed into Ukraine due to COVID-19. This entire group knew this prior to their trip. In one video below, a group of children are lined up in front of Ukrainian soldiers holding signs chanting “Bibi, Deri, Litzman go home” – as they blame the three for the crisis. Another video shows the food being loaded onto a truck in Uman as it heads to the border. The audio clip is from moments ago at the protest, or one of the women speakers. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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