Emergency Yom Tov campaign under the lock down! CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW Just when everyone thought things are getting better, it took a turn to the worse!The people in Eretz Yisrael are now on another Coronavirus lock down until Sukkos!Families are collapsing and don’t know how they can possibly get through the Yom Tovs this year!Many people have lost their jobs or had their income significantly reduced for months! CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW The critical situation in Eretz Israel has created a new era where many old donors are now in desperate need, and we need to help them too.Families that their father is sick can not survive and are calling for your help!Who will take care of them? The קופת צדקה ״פנינת צדיק״ was created 10 years ago by the Spinkah Rebbe Shlit”a, as a mission to help many families that are collapsing under the daily burden. CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW Baruch Hashem the dedicated volunteers were able to help many families, and to get them back on their feet, but recently with the current situation they were forced to go in to the Rebbe and ask for guidance on how to proceed.The Rebbe immediately started an urgent campaign to save these family lives, and the Rebbe is following and guiding each step of the process. The Rebbe is pleading for your help! He wants to Daven and storm the heavens for you! The families are collapsing! This pandemic is destroying families! And only with your help they will be able to survive! According to the Rebbe directive, the organization will be giving $250 to small families and $500 to large families.There are a few families that were extremely effected by the coronavirus, and the Rebbe authorized a special $1,500 assistance. Adopt your family now! And be Zoche to many ישועות this upcoming Rosh Hashana!The Rebbe has agreed to give a special ברכת שנה טובה for those who will adopt a family.A special personal phone call with the Rebbe just in time for the new year, is available to those who pledge the $1,500 package.Who won’t want such a זכות just a few days before Rosh Hashana? CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW submit your donation and send your name for a ברכה to pninattzadik@gmail.com
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