IT’S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! Roshei kollel in Yerushalayim, roshei yeshiva in America, rabbanim, mechanchim and mekarvim all over the world, upstanding baalei batim, dedicated and authentic bnei Torah everywhere. They teach your children; they spread Torah; they learn b’mesiras nefesh. They all learned, grew and were built under the longstanding caring guidance and dedication of Rav Zvi. Due to the current crisis and the danger this poses, the Rosh Yeshiva is no longer able to collect funds for the Yeshiva and its future is in question. It is unclear how the annual $1.2m budget will be met. 153 current talmidim from all over the world also want to shteig and more are coming. But in the last few months it has become unclear how the Yeshiva can possibly continue. “Will we too be able to become gedolei Torah?” these talmidim wonder. Now Rav Zvi is turning to us, Klal Yisrael, to secure the future of the Yeshiva. YOU CAN HELP AND EVERY DOLLAR IS DOUBLED! TIME IS RUNNING OUT FOR THIS CAMPAIGN DONATE NOW! TIME IS RUNNING OUT… AN INTERVIEW WITH RAV ZVI – UNTOLD STORIES, 60 YEARS AS ROSH YESHIVA, OVER 3,000 TALMIDIM By Rabbi Chaim Burman As you read this a matched crowdfunding campaign is taking place for Yeshivas Heichal Hatorah in Yerushalayim. The Yeshiva, which is headed by Hagaon Rav Zvi Kushelevsky Shlita, has embarked on an ambitious Charidy Campaign with the goal of reaching over $1.2m to secure the future of the Yeshiva. For years the Rosh Yeshiva would travel as many as seven times across the world to raise funds. However, due to the current crisis and the danger this would pose to him this is now impossible. Instead, the Yeshiva will be calling on Klal Yisroel and the many talmidim across the world to join together and support this outstanding institution of Torah and yiras shamayim. Early Beginnings: Amongst Gedolim After learning in Gateshead under the tutelage of his uncle Harav Leib Gurwicz, Rav Zvi relocated to America to what was then a tiny Kollel called Beis Hatalmud where he learned from Harav Leib Malin. In those early years, it became clear to Rav Zvi that he wished to dedicate his life to raising serious talmidim and guide them in reaching emes in their learning. “Those years were a terrific experience for me,” he recalled in a recent interview with his talmid and noted writer, R. Yonoson Rosenblum. “I gave a chabura to a number of talmidim and, over the years, they all became gedolei torah. Some are roshei yeshiva or roshei kollel, others are poskim. At that point I really realised that it is through teaching that you really learn; it’s the best way, like Chazal say: ‘Mi’talmidai yoser mi’kulam’”. When Harav Moshe Feinstein called him up these initial feelings were confirmed. “I was giving a shiur for a small group of boys and one of them was a great-nephew of Rav Moshe. After hearing from him what he had learned and how he was shteiging in the shiur, Rav Moshe called me up to tell me that he felt that I had a real koach as a mechanech. That was a great compliment and gave me tremendous encouragement”. There were other encounters which the Rosh Yeshiva felt were […]
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